This is the title we chose for the good news of approval by the INTERREG ATLANTIC AREA PROGRAM of the SMARTDEC Project – Smart Clusters for Maritime Decarbonisation, in which CCRD _LVT I.P. is an ASSOCIATED PARTNER.
In the consortium led by Pole de Mer Bretagne, from Portugal, in addition to CCDR LVT I.P., Associate Partner, we have the University of Aveiro, Fórum Oceano and Sines Tecnopolo as Partners. This cooperation, which also includes the Atlantic Regions of France, Spain and Ireland, gained support in Portugal from DGPM, DGRM, DOCAPESCA and AVEIRO PORT.
This Project that prioritizes Blue Innovation and Competitiveness and intends to develop and enhance resources for Research, Innovation and the absorption of Advanced Technologies by the sector, through research and innovation processes, technology transfer and cooperation between companies, research centers and universities, focusing on the low carbon economy, resilience and adaptation to climate change. Actors in these Regions will be organized as hubs with a “quadruple helix approach” where research and academia, policy makers, society and industry (clusters, SMEs and start-ups) collaborate to develop common strategies to achieve decarbonization of the shipping sector.
To this end, a special NETWORK will be created for the DECARBONIZATION of the MARITIME SECTOR (Fisheries and Ports) in the ATLANTIC and produced an environmental, social and economic mapping and assessment of existing technological innovations in this field. We want to count on all our stakeholders, interested in the Green Transition in the Blue Economy, to follow with interest and share information during the development of this Project, as they can find here new knowledge and the right connectivity to leverage their own initiatives.
Pay attention to our communication channels for more information on the next steps.