Get to know SMARTDEC (Smart Clusters for Maritime Decarbonisation)

In July 2023, CCDR LVT, I.P. announced the approval of the SMARTDEC Project’s application for INTERREG ESPAÇO ATLÂNTICO financing.

As CCDR LVT, I.P. is an Associate Partner of this Project, we are excited to announce the start of the European Cooperation work that will take place within its scope, which will focus on the priorities of BLUE INNOVATION and COMPETITIVENESS, taking place in Brussels on March 6th. .

The Project will develop and enhance the capabilities of Research, Innovation and absorption of Advanced Technologies by the sector, through research and innovation processes, technology transfer and cooperation between companies, research centers and universities, with a focus on the lower economy of the carbon, resilience and adaptation to climate change.

Being led by Pole de Mer Bretagne, from Portugal are Partners the University of Aveiro, Fórum Oceano and Sines Tecnopolo and a special NETWORK will be created for the DECARBONIZATION of the MARITIME SECTOR (Fisheries and Ports) in the ATLANTIC and prepare the mapping and environmental, social and economic assessment of existing technological innovations in this field.

This is a European Cooperation Project that, in addition to the Lisbon Region, has the support of the Atlantic Regions of France, Spain and Ireland, also attracting, in Portugal, the interest of the General Directorate of Maritime Policy (DGPM), the General Directorate of Natural Resources, Security and Maritime Services (DGRM), DOCAPESCA and PORT OF AVEIRO. It is up to us to provide visibility and involve stakeholders, disseminating results, involving our networks of agents in pilot actions and using the project results to feed future strategies, so we hope to have a broad interest in the monitoring of its development.

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